Scripture Art

You may have noticed that I love this new blog, Jones Design Company.  She has great ideas and user friendly tutorials on her blog.  She recently posted a picture of her re-arranged office and one of the pictures highlighted some of her art work:
This lamp print in particular was really cool:

I realized that she actually sells this lamp print, and other art prints like it on her website.

I love them! ...and for $14.95, you can't go wrong. 
I really like the bird print {of course}. 

 Just wanted to share the wealth!  Happy Thursday!


  1. I LOVE her too. I found her from when you mentioned her in an earlier post and loved her prints before she talked about them the other day. I ordered the bird, lamp, and pear the very first day I saw her shop and blog. She is VERY talented and full of energy and ideas. While I am not very creative like the two of you, I like to read about creativity to pretend like I am. Haha. Thanks for posting so that I can pretend!

  2. great post! i shared some of this artwork on my blog - rachel in raleigh!
