Tick Tock

Phew!  Where has the time gone?  
It seems like the past 3 weeks have flown by in such a blur that I've barely had time to clean my house! 
{trust me...there's something wrong when I can't even find time to clean my house}
This past school year was my last for teaching.  I finished out 5 good years, graduated with my Interior Design degree and moved right into a job at an interior design firm doing marketing and now design assistant work.

It's what I wanted, no doubt.  
I am completely loving it, but it is definitely a transition and I am re-learning how to manage my time.  Bear with me as I transition into this new chapter of my life and begin again.  It's exciting, scary, sweet, and sour all at once.

On a great note, I've had lots of time with family and friends lately, which is also another reason why things have seemed been so busy.  And as the grand finale to summer, I am so looking forward to seeing a number of wonderful college friends in just a few short days.  It's hard to believe I will be celebrating my 5 year wedding anniversary in a little over a month, my 10 year high school reunion in 1 year, and will be seeing college friends from 5 years ago in 9 days!

Life goes by so quickly and I think {for me, at least} I don't take the time to appreciate all of the small steps in between life's big events. 
I heard a wise man once say--"...we are so worried about getting to that next step...when we're in high school, we can't wait to get to college, once we get to college, we can't wait to find that perfect job, and then to get married, after that, a house, then kids, then a pool...
that we forget about what's in front of us 
right now 
and we miss out on opportunities the Lord gives us..."  
Food for thought?
{because it definitely was for me}

Since we're talking about time, I thought I'd share with you this cool clock screen saver.
You can download it for free HERE.

Don't let the time tick away too quickly.

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