T-shirt Scarf DIY

Even though the heat index is still in the upper 90s in Florida, I've got Fall on the brain.  I don't know about you, but when I think of Fall, I think of scarves.  
{of course, in some northern states, scarves are a reality year-round....yeah.  not. in. florida.}

This t-shirt scarf requires a level 1 crafting ability.  No sewing ability required {awesome!}.  If you can use scissors, you can make it.
Here is the finished product that you have to look forward to
image from hellohoneyno

Let's get to work!

                      :: scissors
                      :: large or xl t-shirt in a solid color

      1 :: cut hem off of bottom of t-shirt and set aside
      2 :: lay tshirt out flat on a table
      3 :: cut t-shirt into horizontal strips 1/2"-1" wide all the way up to the 
           armpit of the shirt {the thinner they are, the more you'll get out of the 
      4 :: after all strips are cut, take grouping of 3 or 4 and stretch them out 
                                            {as shown in picture below}
image from method
     5:: re-group all strips and drape around your neck then wrap or double 
          them to create the thickness you desire.
 It creates a cow-neck style so there's no need to sew together or stitch up!

You can mix colors too--use 2 different color t-shirts and create a multi-colored scarf!  Super easy, super cute!  Mine took me 15 minutes to make and cost me nothing {since I stole a shirt from my hubby} :)

Have Fun!


  1. I've seen Pins of these before, but never looked into instructions. Thanks for making it easy, for a gal that can't sew too well!! I love it, thank you!
